
Validation date: 28 11 2012
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37°17'56"N 023°08'56"E

Runway: 13/31 - 678meters/2224feet - concrete (CLOSED)

Alexion airfield (greek: Αεροδρόμιο Πόρτο Χέλι 'Κανάρης', also known as Porto Kheli/Cheli/Heli airfield, ICAO: LGHL) was an airfield 90 kilometers southwest of Athens.
It was the pride and joy of Mr. Tasso Alexiou, who built and developed the airfield from private funds. The airfield was already in use in the 1960s when an Olympic Airways route served the privately owned airport.
During the years of the military junta in Greece, Mr. Alexiou attempted to expand the airfield. He failed however, possibly because he did not work with the Junta. Ultimately, in 1974 the plan was called off. The airfield continued to exist, however, and Olympic continued to use the airfield, as always free of charge.

An Olympic Airways Piper Aztec ran off the runway at Porto Heli airfield in the 1970s. It was photographed along with the Mercedes and children of the Alexiou family (collection Kyprianos Biris, via, used with permission).

Aircraft at Porto Heli airfield in 2001 (Kyprianos Biris, via, used with permission).

In 2004 the Greek authorities closed the airfield over maintenance issues. When no changes had been made in 2008, the airfields certificate was not renewed and the airfield permanently closed. Mr. Alexiou died in January 2011 and his airfield remains closed to this day, with absolutely no landings permitted.

Porto Heli airfield in 2008 (Kyprianos Biris, used with permission).