
Validation date: 31 03 2011
Updated on: Never
Views: 2870
See on the interactive map:

45°11'51"N 011°52'10"E

runway: 01/19 - ...x..m - SMT/PHS

Unfotunately no images of the airfield while in use have been located

Bagnoli Airfield was an all-weather temporary air field in the Province of Padua in the Italian region of Veneto
The airfield was built by the United States Army Air Force XIIth Engineer Command.
It had an SMT/PHS runway and PSP parking areas and dispersal sites.
In addition, tents were used for billeting and also for support facilities, an access road was built to the existing road infrastructure.
It also featured a dump for supplies, ammunition, and gasoline drums, along with a drinkable water and minimal electrical grid for communications and station lighting..
Once completed it was turned over for use by the Twelfth Air Force 57th Fighter Group during 15 July-5 August 1945, flying post/war combat operations with P-40 Warhawks.

When the 57th moved out the airfield was closed.
The area was then converted back for agricultural use.
The former main runway is still clearly visible in aerial photography.

Bagnoli air field in 2007