
Validation date: 21 07 2011
Updated on: 18 06 2017
Views: 2568
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57°04'15"N 027°14'23"E

runway: 03/21 - 500x30m - asphalt

Balvi air field is an abandoned airfield 190 kilometers east of Riga, Latvia.
The airfield was built by the Soviet Union in the 1975-1985 timeframe. It was used for agricultural activities by state-run Aeroflot. It consisted of a small runway, three taxiways and a medium sized platforms to the northeast of the runway. This airfield is different from similar airfields, in that it is one of only two airfields to hava a 25% larger (500m) runway (the other one is Naakotne).

No photos of the airfield while in use have been located

Photo of the airfield, shot in the summer of 2011. Many people would pay a small fortune to have their own private airfield (

In 2016, MyAirfields (formerly LatvianAirfields) listed the airfield as "Average due to heavy obstacles": Although runway surface seems in normal condition, the high trees at the end of the runway makes takeoff RWY21 and landing RWY03 practically impossible. In calm wind conditions the airfield can be accessed by landing on RWY21 but only with caution considering the edge of the forest almost on the runway centerline. WARNING: temporary obstacle - tires on the runway.
The airfield is uncertified, which means it is officially closed to all traffic.