
Validation date: 11 01 2011
Updated on: Never
Views: 3359
See on the interactive map:

53°27'21"N 009°49'46"E

Runways: 3 parallel grass runways, spaced by 95 meters of moor
Runway: North - 800x5meters/...feet - grass
Runway: Middle - 800x5meters/...feet - grass
Runway: South - 900x5meters/...feet - grass

Segelfluggelände Fischbek relative to Hamburg Airport and the Airbus plant at Finkenwerder, © DFS - Deutsche Flugsicherung

Gliderfield Fischbek (german: Segelfluggelände Fischbek) is a glider site in the southwest of the city-state Hamburg in Germany
The airfield is home to the Glider Club Fischbek (german: Segelclub Fischbek e.V.)
About 1 kilometer from the northwestern end of the runways the field has a hangar and a repairshop/classroom.
the field is home to 7 gliders and one motorglider.

Fischbek in 2009 with red arrows to point out runways and the club buildings in the red circle (Google Earth)