Lecce North

Validation date: 14 02 2012
Updated on: Never
Views: 3065
See on the interactive map:

40°22'05"N 018°10'41"E

landing field: n/a - 1200x1050feet - grass/dirt

Lecce North (also known as Lecce Emergency Landing Ground) was an airfield just north of Lecce in southern Italy.
The airfield was built by the Regia Aeronautica. Between June and August 1943 it was surveyed as a possible airfield site by USAAF 15th AF planners. It had no facilities, except for two small buildings (sheds?) in the northwestern corner.

Drawing of the ELG and its relative location to Lecce from a 1943 USAAF assessment report (AFHRA)

As far as I can trace the airfield was not used by the Allies. Information about the field during the Italian/German use of the area was not found either. Today, the field is built over by a sportsfield and park on the outskirts of Lecce.

Location of the airstrip in 2010