Validation date: 26 09 2011
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52°49'00"N 005°01'40"E
runway n/a - grass
Middenmeer airfield (Dutch: Vliegveld Middenmeer or vliegpark Middenmeer) was a small military airfield just east of the town of Middenmeer in the north of the province of Noord-Holland.
In 1940, the Netherlands Air Arm deployed Fokker C.V and Fokker C.X aircraft from the airfield for bombing and reconnaissance missions against the German military.
It is not to be confused with the current airfield, which lies litterally meters away across a canal.
The airfield actually consisted of two airfields: Middenmeer and Wieringermeer, the latter served as an auxiliary in case the main airfield was to be bombed.
Both airfields were abandoned shortly after 10 May 1940, when the advancing German troops were coming too close.
The Germans were never interested in the airfield, and after the war ended it was not rebuilt.
Air park (vliegpark) Middenmeer and auxiliary airfield (hulpvliegveld) Wieringermeer on the eve of World War II (10 May 1940, via Peter van Kaathoven)
Fokker C.5RR 645 of III-2 LvR at Middenmeer after emergency landing on 12 May 1940 (Photo: collection Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie)
Emergency landing ground Wieringermeerpolder, ca. 1934 (Photo: collection Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie)
Today the grounds have been returned to agricultural use, but the airfield can still be regonised from the air if you know what to look for. While all plots of farmland in the area are similar in shape and size, the former airfield has twice the width. This is because the canal that used to be there had been filled up to make room for the landing area. The canal at the Wieringermeer airfield was dug out again after the war however.
Somewhere in the 1970s a few meters on the northwest corner of the former airfield were used to make room for the A-7 motorway from Amsterdam to the Afsluitdijk.
Google Earth photo, showing the old (red) and new (blue) Airfield Middenmeer