Validation date: 15 04 2014
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Views: 2949
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49°18'N 000°37'W
Runway: 06/24 - 1400x40m - earth
Ryes airfield (also known as Advanced Landing Ground B.15 "Ryes") was an airfield on the Alllied Beachhead in Normandy, France.
It was situated to the east of the town of Ryes and built by the Royal Engineers 25th Airfield Construction Group. Between 5 July and September 1944, the airfield was used for the evacuation of wounded personnel and also as a forward rearming and refuelling station for several units in the Calvados region. A field hospital was situated on the south side of the airfield.
In September 1944, the airfield was handed over to French authorities. it was then rapidly converted back to agriculture. An IGN photomission flown in 1946 did not find any trace of the former airfield.