Skiathos Heliport

Validation date: 20 11 2015
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Views: 3024
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39°08'41"N 023°26'25"E

Runway: Nil (Helipad)

Skiatos Heliport was a small airfield on the island of Skiatos, 130 kilometers north-northwest of Athens.
The heliport was built just east of the village of Platanias, at a time when a helicopter was the only way to access Skiathos from the air. Onassis-owned Olympic Airways had scheduled passenger helicopter flights from Athens to a string of islands that included Skiathos with Sud SA-321F Super-Frelon helicopters. The helicopter would do the service in 20 minutes, while a boat would do the equivalent service in 6 hours. Helicopters would land and take off on a circular concrete helipad. 

Olympic Airways Aerospatiale SA 321 F Super Frelon F-OCMF "Hermès", believed to have been photographed at Skiatos, where the Super-Frelons were operating between the late 1960s and the end of operations at the helipad in 1972. (Daniel Liron)

The helipad remained in operation until the Skiatos airport was completed in 1972. It is still easily recognisable, just east of Platanias, on the southern shore of the island.

The landing platform of the heliport still existed in July 2014, albeit somewhat overgrown with grass (Kyprianos Biris on