
Validation date: 19 09 2013
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Views: 3221
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50°23'43"N 002°21'45"E

Runway: flying field - grass

St.Pol-Bryas air field (Also known as Bryas-Sud and Brias) was a German airfield 170 kilometers north of Paris.
The airfield was built as a Feldflugplatz (wartime airfield) by the Luftwaffe during World War II. It was located south of the Chateau the Bryas, which was a joint French-British HQ during World War I. That HQ had its own airfield, but it is not certain the World War II airfield was located in the same place. Strangely enough, the Germans opted for this field instead of the nearby British base at Nuncq to station JG2.
The airfield had some hangars and taxitracks. Instead of runways it had a grass flying field however. Bryas-Sud was attacked by Allied bombers.

A flight of USAAF Marauders pulling away from Bryas-Sud after a succesful strike in August 1943.

View from the same heading in the summer of 2003 (Google Earth)

Today ony a few remains of the airfield can be seen. At least two hangars still existed in 2011, as well as the foundations of a third. The remains of some barracks and taxitracks are also still in place.