Uglich (Углич)

Validation date: 27 09 2012
Updated on: Never
Views: 1548
See on the interactive map:

57°29'54"N 038°21'28"E (approx.)

runway: unk - unk - grass

Uglich airport (Russian: Аэропорт Углич) was an airfield 200 kilometers north-northwest of Moscow.
The airfield was built during the Soviet era, but I could not trace when exactly.
The airfield probably collapsed along with the Soviet Union and Communist rule.

Airport Uglich (Аэропорт Углич) station building photographed in 1998 (Antwan, via e-mail)

Today, the airfield has been returned to agriculture.
Aerial photography from the area does not show enough detail of the terrain.

Unfortunately, no additional photos of maps of the airfield were found