Thank you for this highly interesting website! As an inhabitant of Northern Germany it is very fascinating for me to search for the numerous airfield remains around me! Keep it up!
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Great site. I had always wondered about the histories of some of the places I had been stationed at in Germany. Boblingen, Nellingen, Goppingen, and of course Tempelhoff, though that is already quite documented, lol. Many thanks
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What a great website . I couldn't believe I found the tiny airport where my grandfather worked in Quakenbruck Germany. So great to see the map . I will visit next time thanks to your great map. Keep going with the great website and great find for me. Thank you .
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My husband (Reinaldo Rojas) was stationed at Cooke Barracks in Goeppingen, Germany
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Beautiful made, with a lot of information.
I always check for new added airfields.
Please keep on growing this homepage.
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brilliant site. well done. it has been very useful helping me identify or confirming UK airfields.
keep up the good work.
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